Impact Fee Advisory Committee
The advisory committee is a standing committee established pursuant to Montana Code Annotated 7-6-1604. The impact fee advisory committee must include at least one representative of the development community. The committee shall review and monitor the process of calculating, assessing, and spending impact fees. This board typically meets once every five years to review the current impact fee schedule and provide input on a new fee schedule which would be in effect for the next five years.
This board met in September, October and November to review the current impact fee schedule, as well as the newly adopted Capital Improvements Plan, to determine fees based on projects within the next five years.
To learn more about this board, please read Title 3, Chapter 6, Article 7 of the Three Forks Municipal Code, or by contacting the Zoning Official at 406-285-3431.
Agendas can be found on our Calendar of Events page.
The IFAC distributed its recommendation and final Service Area Report to the City Council at its 12/10/2024 public meeting. This was a distribution only for the public and Council to review, and come back at a public hearing to be held 1/28/2025 at 6PM to decide upon adoption of the recommended fees, altered fees, or no fees. (*UPDATE - the decision was continued until 2/11/2025 at 6PM due to new maps being distributed that would accompany the Service Area Report with less than 48-hours notice.) The City Council will also be hearing an update to the Ordinance #3-6 Impact Fees to reflect the changes in the revised Service Area Reports, and revise the credit system. These will be scheduled as separate hearings on the first and second readings of the revised ordinance (tenatively February & March).
Impact Fee Committee's Last Meeting Minutes
Resolution to Adopt Impact Fees
Impact Fee Committee's letter to City Council
Group Members
Mike Stenberg
Board Member &
Development Rep
Christina Cavanaugh
Board Member
Alex Blackburn
Board Member
Kelly Smith
Board Member
Aly Fendler
Board Member

Table with dates showing estimated timeline to complete steps in adopting the Impact Fees