Board of Adjustments
The Board of Adjustment was created in 1983, and is authorized to be established in accordance with Section 76-2-321 et seq., MCA.
This is a five member board, serving staggered 3-year terms. The purpose of the board is to consider variances to the Zoning ordinances. The board may also hear and decide appeals of any zoning ordinance adopted, or where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of the Zoning Chapter.
To learn more about this board, please read Title 11, Chapter 18 of the Three Forks Municipal Code, or by contacting the Zoning Official at 406-285-3431.
Agendas can be found on our Calendar of Events page.
Group Members
Richard Russell
Term Expires: 4/30/2025
Alex Blackburn
Term Expires: 4/30/2025
Michele McLeod
Term Expires: 4/30/2024
Reagan Hooton
Term Expires: 4/30/2026
Kenneth Fendler
Term Expires: 4/30/2026
Related Documents
- Board of Adjustments Meetings
- Board Agendas
- Board Minutes