Water/Sewer Rates & Policies
Listed below, you will find the City of Three Forks current water rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.
Should you experience a problem with your water, please call the phone numbers provided. We will do everything possible to locate the problem with your water service.
Rates for Connected Users of the Municipal System:
Water usage is determined by a water meter that we read monthly. We normally read these meters sometime around the 20th of the month. The water meters measure in cubic feet. The charge for the first 100 cubic feet (approximately 750 gallons) for most residential use is $34.50 (the minimum charge for a 5/8” meter). Each additional 100 cubic feet (CF) is $1.55. (*See other line size base rates at the bottom of this page.)
(Other Water Meter Size Charges)
5/8" meter | $34.50 |
3/4" meter | $37.05 |
1" meter | $41.60 |
1.25" meter | $49.20 |
1.5" meter | $55.20 |
1.75" meter | $57.55 |
2" meter | $73.00 |
2.25" meter | $73.50 |
2.5" meter | $79.85 |
2.75" meter | $90.95 |
3" meter | $128.50 |
4" meter | $254.85 |
Sewer rates for new customers will be based on household size as listed in the table below. Following your first winter here, we will take your water usage during the months of December through March, since these are non-irrigation months and most usage occurs inside the home. These 4 months are averaged and used to compute sewer rates. The new rate is then applied on July 1st of each year (this is done annually for all customers). The charge for the first 400 cubic feet of usages is $49.25 (the minimum charge). Each additional 100 c.f. is $6.97.
Household Size Monthly Sewer Charge:
Household Size | Monthly Sewer Charge (in cubic feet) |
1 | $49.25 (400CF) |
2 | $63.20 (600CF) |
3 | $74.90 (768CF) |
4 | $84.45 (905CF) |
5 | $97.20(1,088CF) |
6 & up | $116.45 (1,364CF) |

Our Meters