Code Compliance
City Reminder…
The City of Three Forks encourages you to familiarize yourself with our City Ordinances if you live within city limits.
Did you know…

Ordinance # 5-5-1 & 2 states that vegetation (lawns & weeds) must be kept below 6 inches, including your alley and boulevard area. If you receive a notice regarding this violation, your property will be inspected again after 2 weeks; if you cannot bring the property into compliance in that 2 weeks please call us to communicate a plan. If your property is still not in compliance, the City sends a notice stating if not brought into compliance within 7 days the City may enter the property to bring the property into compliance.
Ordinance # 6-4A-2 states that every dog over five (5) months of age in the city limits is required to have a license. The annual license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for every dog shall be paid and said dog shall be registered on or before April 15 of each year at the office of the city clerk. It’s okay if you missed the deadline. Registration has helped many lost dogs get returned home safely.
Ordinance # 6-4A-4 states that every dog must be wearing its City license tag on its collar and should be under the immediate control of its owner. All dogs must be on leash at all times and no owner of any dog shall let their dog run at large at any time unless on private property.
Follow us on Facebook for reminders and updates to our city ordinances. Call us with any questions.
Contact Info
Wally Ziegler