Sacajawea Park
Location: Mt-Hwy 2/Main Street And West Ash Street
This was the oldest and first park dedicated by the City. It was started by the Daughters of the American Revolution who placed a rock in the park center honoring Sacajawea. Later, three pine trees were planted representing the three rivers of the Headwaters of the Missouri. They were large and beautiful, but not maintained well over the decades and became infested with scale and had to be removed. It was during this time that the Three Forks Historical Society decided to launch a fundraising effort to revamp the park.
The offered for sale engraved bricks which would be sold for $100 donation and placed to build a new wall surrounding the park. The raised just under $100,000 to purchase the statute of Sacajawea, which was commissioned to be completed by Montana-artist Mary Michael in 2005. The statue sets upon the original rock installed by the Daughters of the American Revolution. The Historical Society “sold” bricks for several years before the wall, paver walkway and landscaping was completed. On October 2, 1914, the citizens gathered around the land to unveil the bronze plaque to memorialize Sacajawea.
No reservation required, this park is first-come, first-served.

Sacajawea statue