The responsibility of the Mayor is to serve all citizens and business owners fairly and openly. A committment to applying these principles in the most professional and timely manner possible is key in guiding our community through continued growth and success.
Mayoral duties include:
- enforcing laws, Charter, ordinances and resolution
- performing the duties required by law, Charter, ordinance and resolution
- administering the affairs of the city government
- carrying out policies established by the Council
- recommending measures to the Council
- reporting to the Council on the affairs and financial condition of the city government
- execute bonds, notes, contracts, and written obligations of the Council, subject to the approval of the Council
- reporting to the Council as it may require
- preparing the Council agenda, presiding at the Council meetings and may take part in discussion
- executing the budget adopted by the Council
- appointing, with the consent of the Council, all members of board(s), except the Mayor may appoint without the consent any temporary advisory committee members established by the Mayor
The Mayor may also appoint one or more administrative assistants, department heads, prepare the budget, and exerice control and supervision of all departments and boards. The Mayor only votes to break ties of the Council.
Contact Info
Mayor Randy Johnston
Term Expires: 12/31/2025